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Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Acer TM8172 "Netbook" dengan Material Ramah Lingkungan

Mempertimbangkan spesifikasi teknis saja rasanya tak cukup dalam memilih netbook. Kini, perlu dipertimbangkan apakah material netbook yang akan dibeli cukup ramah lingkungan. Sebab, apa gunanya spesifikasi bagus jika proses produksinya ternyata merusak alam.

Bagaimana caranya memilih netbook dengan material yang ramah lingkungan? Hasil Greenpeace Electronics Survey 2010 mungkin bisa memberikan panduan. Greenpeace menilai berbagai perangkat produk dengan kriteria yang ketat.

Berdasarkan hasil survei itu, Acer TravelMate Timeline X TM8172 dikatakan sebagai yang paling baik. Entah mengapa produk ini masuk kategori netbook mengingat layarnya 11,6 inci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa netbook ini paling sedikit mengandung material berbahaya. Material berbahaya yang masih digunakan di netbook antara lain PVC, BFR, Antimony, Phtalate, serta Beryllium.

Greenpeace memberikan skor 28 untuk keramahan lingkungan material pembuat netbook ini. Skor tersebut hanya 2 poin lebih rendah dari skor maksimum, yakni 30. Kekurangannya hanya pada RoHS exemptions used. Selain material yang ramah lingkungan, Acer TM8172 juga termasuk unggul dalam konsumsi energi dan lifecycle produk.

Laporan tahunan ini dilakukan Greenpeace dengan melakukan review untuk menguji produk-produk elektronik yang ramah lingkungan. Jadi, jika hendak menggunakan teknologi sekaligus melestarikan lingkungan, Anda mungkin bisa mendasarkan pilihan pada hasil survei ini.

Diakui Greenpeace belum ada netbook yang benar-benar bebas 100 persen material berbahaya. Bahkan untuk netbook skornya cenderung rendah. Namun, upaya terus mengurangi sudah dilakukan para produsen. Berikut peringkat netbook paling ramah lingkungan:

1. Acer TM8172 2. Asus 1015PED 3. Samsung NP-N230 4. HP Mini 5103 5. Dell Latitude 2110

Spesifikasi Acer TM8172:

Sistem operasi Genuine Windows 7 Professional - 32-bit version, Prosesor Intel Core i3-330UM Mobile Processor (3MB Intel® Smart Cache, 1.20GHz), memori 2GB (2/0) DDR3 1066 SDRAM, hardisk 250GB SATA hard drive, card reader 5-in-1 card reader, layar 11,6 inci (1366 x 768) TFT display, Kartu grafis Intel HD Graphics, koneksi 802.11 b/g/n WLAN, Bluetooth®, gigabit LAN, webcam, harga 619 dollar AS.

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Kutang Barendo Dan Artinya (Lirik Lagu Melati)

Bagi yang blom tau arti dari lirik lagu "Kutang Barendo" terutama yang bukan orang minang, pasti pada penasaran kan. Lagu minang yang di populerkan oleh penyanyi minang asal Kota Payakumbuh yaitu MELATI. Nah ini translate nya coba disimak :

Lailalah kutang barendo : ya iyalah BH yang berenda *wkwkwkk 
Nan tampuruang sayak babulu : batok kelapa yg ada serabutnya *wkwkwkwk ga nyambung banget 
Nah tamanuang nan tuo-tuo : yg tua2 hanya bisa trmenung
Takana mudo nan dahulu : mengingat masa muda dlu

Antah manga gadih jo bujang : entah knapa gadis n bujangk
Lah gilo raun tiok hari : gila jln2 tiap hari
Talingo lah samo basubang : sama2 pake anting2
Nan bapakai imitasi : yg d pkai cm imitasi

Lailalah kutang barendo
Nan tampuruang sayak babulu

Rancak manjadi sopir oto : lbh baik mnjd sopir( daripada jalan2 )
Tiok bulan bakawan baru : tiap bulan dapat kawan baru

Taroman sajo kasadonyo : sama saja semuanya
Baiak jantan baiak batino : cowok maupun cewek
Jalan sairiang baduo-duo : jalan beriringan berdua2
Caliak dahulu mako disapo : diliat dulu baru disapa( mungkin jaman skrg cowok sama cewek udah ga bisa dibedain )

Lailalah kutang barendo
Nan tampuruang sayak babulu

Nan lah malang tibo di ambo : malangnya nasibku
Tiok dapek indak katuju : tiap kali pacaran selalu ga cocok
Caliak lagak urang kini : liat gaya anak jaman sekarang
Antah apo lah namonyo : entah apalah namanya( gaya tersebut )

Lah malang nan gadih-gadih : kasian gadis2nya
Tiok diawai tiok bapunyo : tiap kali deket tp dah ada yg pny smua //*aku banget

Lailalah kutang barendo
Nan tampuruang sayak babulu

Lah tamanuang gaek agogo : termenung orang tua2 ( maxudnya tua2 keladi )
Takana mudo nan dahulu : teringat masa muda dahulu
Saroman sajo kasadonyo : sama saja semuanya
Baiak jantan baiak batino : cowok maupun cewek
Dek tak tantu ujuang pangkanyo : karna ga tau ujung pangkal perkaranya
Sansaro juo jadinyo : sengsara juga jadinya

Lailalah kutang barendo
Nan tampuruang sayak babulu

Alah marandah sarang tampuo : mulai rendah sarang burung tempua
Elok dicaliak lah dahulu : bagusnya diliat lebih dahulu

Sajak dahulu sampai kini : sejak dulu sampai sekarang
Barulah kini mulai tampak : barulah skarang mulai terjadi
Lah manjadi bujang jo gadih : bujang sama gadis semakin menjadi2
Banyak nan tuo basipakak : yg bikin banyak orang tua jadi bertengkar

Lagu ini paling enak di dengar kalo lagi sendirian, coba aja kalo g' percaya....

Bagaimana caranya, aku ingin bahagia denganmu

Dengarkan aku hai malam!
Bisiki dia tentang perasaanku
Dengarkan aku hai sunyi!
Aku berteriak lantang
Bisakah dia dengar?
Semua rasa ini, semua hati in?
Memang aku belum bisa mengambil hatinya..
Tapi hai sunyi
 Apakah kau bisa menyusupi hatinya dan
Sampaikan  rasa ku kehatinya ?
Ah… aku hanya bisa terdiam
 Dan berharap
Dia bisa rasakan apa yang aku rasa…

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Lambang 'UFO' di Sleman Pertamakali di Indonesia

Lambang misterius yang diduga warga berasal dari pendaratan pesawat Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) di Sleman, Yogyakarta, ternyata baru pertamakali muncul di Indonesia. Dalam sejarah, lingkaran aneh yang dikenal sebagai crop circle ini lebih sering muncul di eropa.

Situs ensiklopedia bebas terbesar, Wikipedia, Senin (24/1/2011), menulis bahwa 90 persen lingkaran aneh tersebut lebih sering terjadi di kawasan Inggris bagian selatan. Kemunculan crop circle ini semakin meningkat setelah tahun 1970-an.

Setidaknya sebanyak 26 negara pernah melaporkan adanya crop circle. Negara-negara tersebut seperti Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Inggris, namun tak ada laporan serupa dari Indonesia.

Wikipedia juga menulis aneka macam praduga terkait pembentukan lingkaran aneh ini. Dari mulai dibuat dengan menidurkan tanaman dengan ikatan tali sampai dengan pemotong rumput.

Beberapa crop circle, menurut Wikipedia, juga dibuat dengan sengaja oleh perusahaan sebagai iklan produk mereka. Ada juga orang-orang yang membuat crop circle untuk sekedar berunjukrasa.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, warga Sleman, Yogyakarta, dihebohkan oleh tanda misterius di persawahan yang muncul usai angin kencang. Warga setempat meyakini tanda yang berbentuk lingkaran raksasa tersebut sebagai pendaratan  pesawat 'UFO' dari planet lain.

Lambang tersebut berbentuk lingkaran berdiameter 70 meter. Di tengah lingkaran raksasa tersebut terdapat lambang misterius. Tanda tersebut dibentuk oleh hamparan padi yang rebah setelah angin kencang tersebut.

Pihak Kepolisian pun membenarkan munculnya lambang misterius 'UFO' tersebut. Polisi bahkan sudah mengabadikan peristiwa langka tersebut. (van/mpr)

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

When You Tell Me That You Love Me

Iwanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do

I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth

* and baby
everytime you touch me
i become a hero
i'll make you safe
no matter where you are
and bring you

everything you ask for
nothing is above me
i'm shining like a candle in the dark
when you tell me that you love me

i wanna make you see
just what i was
show you the loneliness
and what is does
you walked into my life
to stop my tears
everything's easy now
i have you here

back to *

in a world without you
i would always hunger
all i need is your love to make me stonger

back to*

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Ya Allah.... Tolonglah abg saya...

Hari ini adalah hari yg paling keras buat abg saya dan kami sekeluarga..
Ya Allah selamatkan lah abg saya yg lagi berjuang di ruang UGD RSU Suliki, semoga semua baek2 saja.... begitu berat cobaan yg abg hadapi demi anak2 dan istri abg.... Yg kuat ya bg.... cepat sehat bg, kita akan berkumpul kembali seperti dulu lagi...
Abg pasti bisa seperti dulu lagi....
Ini semua abg lakuin, kerjaan ini demi masyarakat, kami semua do'an kan semoga abg cepat sembuh ya... Yg kuat bag... abg pasZtie bisaaa...

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Pagi Yang Indah

tetap dingin seperti kemarin

sang surya mengintip dari balik jendelaku

sinarnya sedikit mampu kurangi serangan dingin

HHHHuuuuuuffffttTTtttt.....selamat pagi sang mentari

sehangat surya pagi

kuawali pagiku yang indah

dengan senyumku yang paling terindah

kutinggal pagi yang kemarin

kusambut semangat terindah dipagi ini

semoga ada pagi indah lagi untuk esok

Pagi Yang Indah

tetap dingin seperti kemarin

sang surya mengintip dari balik jendelaku

sinarnya sedikit mampu kurangi serangan dingin

HHHHuuuuuuffffttTTtttt.....selamat pagi sang mentari

sehangat surya pagi

kuawali pagiku yang indah

dengan senyumku yang paling terindah

kutinggal pagi yang kemarin

kusambut semangat terindah dipagi ini

semoga ada pagi indah lagi untuk esok

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Honda Jazz Wagon Belum Tentu Masuk RI

Honda Jazz
Karawang - Produsen mobil Honda belum lama ini dikabarkan sedang menyiapkan varian terbaru dari Honda Jazz/Fit. Bukan dalam bentuk hatchback seperti yang ada sekarang atau minivan seperti Freed, tapi sebuah mobil baru bermodel wagon. Tapi sepertinya varian ini masih lama datang ke Indonesia.

Sebab menurut Direktur Pemasaran dan Layanan Purna Jual PT Honda Prospect Motor, Jonfis Fandy kelahiran mobil ini masih belum-lah jelas.

"Gambar yang beredar kan tidak diketahui dari mana asalnya. Kita sendiri belum tahu kapan mobil ini akan diproduksi di Jepang," ujarnya di pabrik perakitan Honda di Karawang, Rabu (19/1/2011).

Sebelumnya sebuah brosur sebuah mobil baru yang mengambil platform Jazz/Fit banyak beredar di internet. Mobil ini akan dinamai Fit Shuttle dan akan segera dijual di Jepang pada bulan Maret mendatang.

Honda Fit Shuttle ini didasarkan pada tampang baru Honda Jazz/Fit namun dengan atap lebih tinggi dan tubuh lebih panjang serta bagian belakang yang didesain ulang.

Sementara wajah depan Fit/Jazz ini terlihat identik dengan Fit/Jazz yang beredar sekarang di berbagai belahan dunia. Nama Jazz sendiri digunakan Honda di pasar Eropa, Australia, Indonesia dan beberapa negara lain.

Kemungkinan Fit Shuttle akan dipersembahkan dalam dua versi. Satu versi hybrid yang didukung teknologi IMA dan disokong mesin i-VTEC 1.3 liter yang sama dengan yang digunakan versi hatchback (Fit/Jazz) dan minivan (Freed).

Sedangkan satu versi lain akan disokong mesin berkapasitas sedikit lebih besar yakni 1.5 liter. "Belum jelas. Kalau memang sudah pasti keluar, baru kita pikirkan. Tapi kalau sekarang kita tunggu saja kepastiannya," pungkas Jonfis. ( syu / ddn )

Honda Jazz Wagon Belum Tentu Masuk RI

Honda Jazz
Karawang - Produsen mobil Honda belum lama ini dikabarkan sedang menyiapkan varian terbaru dari Honda Jazz/Fit. Bukan dalam bentuk hatchback seperti yang ada sekarang atau minivan seperti Freed, tapi sebuah mobil baru bermodel wagon. Tapi sepertinya varian ini masih lama datang ke Indonesia.

Sebab menurut Direktur Pemasaran dan Layanan Purna Jual PT Honda Prospect Motor, Jonfis Fandy kelahiran mobil ini masih belum-lah jelas.

"Gambar yang beredar kan tidak diketahui dari mana asalnya. Kita sendiri belum tahu kapan mobil ini akan diproduksi di Jepang," ujarnya di pabrik perakitan Honda di Karawang, Rabu (19/1/2011).

Sebelumnya sebuah brosur sebuah mobil baru yang mengambil platform Jazz/Fit banyak beredar di internet. Mobil ini akan dinamai Fit Shuttle dan akan segera dijual di Jepang pada bulan Maret mendatang.

Honda Fit Shuttle ini didasarkan pada tampang baru Honda Jazz/Fit namun dengan atap lebih tinggi dan tubuh lebih panjang serta bagian belakang yang didesain ulang.

Sementara wajah depan Fit/Jazz ini terlihat identik dengan Fit/Jazz yang beredar sekarang di berbagai belahan dunia. Nama Jazz sendiri digunakan Honda di pasar Eropa, Australia, Indonesia dan beberapa negara lain.

Kemungkinan Fit Shuttle akan dipersembahkan dalam dua versi. Satu versi hybrid yang didukung teknologi IMA dan disokong mesin i-VTEC 1.3 liter yang sama dengan yang digunakan versi hatchback (Fit/Jazz) dan minivan (Freed).

Sedangkan satu versi lain akan disokong mesin berkapasitas sedikit lebih besar yakni 1.5 liter. "Belum jelas. Kalau memang sudah pasti keluar, baru kita pikirkan. Tapi kalau sekarang kita tunggu saja kepastiannya," pungkas Jonfis. ( syu / ddn )


1. Inception Christopher Nolan) - This movie for me is another masterpiece from Nolan that has the capacity to blow people away. All cast gave a very strong performances. The cinematography is world class and where effects are used, they are absolutely superb. This film will keep you thinking even after leaving the movie theater. The overall plot may seem confusing and complex, but it adds to its uniqueness. One of those film that you have to watch twice or even a dozen times to get that wonderful experience!

2. The Social Network (David Fincher) - This is what you called a genius script! The script from Aaron Sorkin is very rich and witty. The dialog here is too deep and the tempo of the dialog is too fast, it is not very easy to understand but it was overwhelming and amazing. Jesse Eisenberg goes beyond the level of what is usually expected of him. He stole the show! No questions about the director, David Fincher is clearly one of the best director these days. If this movie were a Facebook page, I would click “LIKE”.

3. Kick-Ass (Matthew Vaughn) ­- Ohh..I loveee every single moment of the film and found most of the humor very funny. This movie is super fun and exciting just like riding a roller-coaster! It is violent, funny, and shocking at the same time but above all it is utterly entertaining! Everything was good; the story, the acting, and the music was just outstanding. From start to finish, it is loaded with enough action and humor. Some scenes may be controversial, but Kick-Ass breaks the mound in superhero movies.

4. Toy Story 3 (Lee Unkrich) - Such good and fascinating animation and story, making this the best animated film of the year. With a great ending that made me tear a little but it is touching and it makes you think. Toy Story is definitely my favourite animation and to me this was the best of the trilogy. Pixar has done it again! This was a fantastic finish to a wonderful story. Thank you Pixar, simply thank you.

5. Black Swan (Darren Aronofsky) - Black Swan offers plenty of drama, plenty of thrilling moments, and plenty of sexiness. The story is more complicated than you think. Aronofsky brought an element of fear that not often explored in modern films; psychological fear. It keeps you guessing until the very end. Natalie Portman finally gets the recognition she deserves, her star has finally reached the top! After watching this movie I realized that: ‘Life is full of pressure’ and ‘Nobody is perfect’ . Yes, it is.

6. The Kids Are All Right (Lisa Cholodenko) - Even though the story is relatively simple, the emotions and the evolutions from the characters impulse it on a realistic way without manipulating our feelings. Bening and Moore both are really great. Their performances are daring and subtle convincingly persuasive in every gesture and expression. The script is also excellently well-crafted. It is not an extraordinary film, but it is a spectacular and visually stunning romantic comedy.

7. Mother and Child (Rodrigo Garcia) - This is a well written and directed film. It is an amazing character study and makes you think about life, love, and relationships. Sad at the beginning, but manages to end on a happy note that feels genuine. Astonishing great performances from all cast, especially Annette Bening. Powerful and emotional drama.

8. Buried (Rodrigo Cortes) - One of the most terrifying, disturbing, and nightmarish thrillers this year. All done with no flashy special effects and editing, no overblown action sequences and music, no pretty faces and bodies in sight. Just a man, a box, and a plenty of thrills. This film is not for everybody, especially a claustrophobia. For me, Buried is original with a genius script from Chris Sparling and so far the best performance from Ryan Reynolds, should I say more?

9. The Ghost Writer (Roman Polanski) - It is a suspense thriller with heavy political references. It grasps my attention from the very first scene and never let me go until the end credits are over. The plot is fairly slow and also the suspense build very slowly but very surely and not boring by any means. Far better than most of the political thrillers of recent times. Ewan McGregor is very convincing and really carries the movie, his performance has never been better.

10. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Edgar Wright) - I didn’t really like the film when I first watched it. But then, after I read the comics, DANG! Edgar Wright really takes comic-book adaptation to a whole another level! The visual effects and soundtracks were superb! Absolutely a unique experience, everything in this movie happens so fast and one blink is enough to lose information. Nerdiest movie eveeer!

By : Jagoan Movie


1. Inception Christopher Nolan) - This movie for me is another masterpiece from Nolan that has the capacity to blow people away. All cast gave a very strong performances. The cinematography is world class and where effects are used, they are absolutely superb. This film will keep you thinking even after leaving the movie theater. The overall plot may seem confusing and complex, but it adds to its uniqueness. One of those film that you have to watch twice or even a dozen times to get that wonderful experience!

2. The Social Network (David Fincher) - This is what you called a genius script! The script from Aaron Sorkin is very rich and witty. The dialog here is too deep and the tempo of the dialog is too fast, it is not very easy to understand but it was overwhelming and amazing. Jesse Eisenberg goes beyond the level of what is usually expected of him. He stole the show! No questions about the director, David Fincher is clearly one of the best director these days. If this movie were a Facebook page, I would click “LIKE”.

3. Kick-Ass (Matthew Vaughn) ­- Ohh..I loveee every single moment of the film and found most of the humor very funny. This movie is super fun and exciting just like riding a roller-coaster! It is violent, funny, and shocking at the same time but above all it is utterly entertaining! Everything was good; the story, the acting, and the music was just outstanding. From start to finish, it is loaded with enough action and humor. Some scenes may be controversial, but Kick-Ass breaks the mound in superhero movies.

4. Toy Story 3 (Lee Unkrich) - Such good and fascinating animation and story, making this the best animated film of the year. With a great ending that made me tear a little but it is touching and it makes you think. Toy Story is definitely my favourite animation and to me this was the best of the trilogy. Pixar has done it again! This was a fantastic finish to a wonderful story. Thank you Pixar, simply thank you.

5. Black Swan (Darren Aronofsky) - Black Swan offers plenty of drama, plenty of thrilling moments, and plenty of sexiness. The story is more complicated than you think. Aronofsky brought an element of fear that not often explored in modern films; psychological fear. It keeps you guessing until the very end. Natalie Portman finally gets the recognition she deserves, her star has finally reached the top! After watching this movie I realized that: ‘Life is full of pressure’ and ‘Nobody is perfect’ . Yes, it is.

6. The Kids Are All Right (Lisa Cholodenko) - Even though the story is relatively simple, the emotions and the evolutions from the characters impulse it on a realistic way without manipulating our feelings. Bening and Moore both are really great. Their performances are daring and subtle convincingly persuasive in every gesture and expression. The script is also excellently well-crafted. It is not an extraordinary film, but it is a spectacular and visually stunning romantic comedy.

7. Mother and Child (Rodrigo Garcia) - This is a well written and directed film. It is an amazing character study and makes you think about life, love, and relationships. Sad at the beginning, but manages to end on a happy note that feels genuine. Astonishing great performances from all cast, especially Annette Bening. Powerful and emotional drama.

8. Buried (Rodrigo Cortes) - One of the most terrifying, disturbing, and nightmarish thrillers this year. All done with no flashy special effects and editing, no overblown action sequences and music, no pretty faces and bodies in sight. Just a man, a box, and a plenty of thrills. This film is not for everybody, especially a claustrophobia. For me, Buried is original with a genius script from Chris Sparling and so far the best performance from Ryan Reynolds, should I say more?

9. The Ghost Writer (Roman Polanski) - It is a suspense thriller with heavy political references. It grasps my attention from the very first scene and never let me go until the end credits are over. The plot is fairly slow and also the suspense build very slowly but very surely and not boring by any means. Far better than most of the political thrillers of recent times. Ewan McGregor is very convincing and really carries the movie, his performance has never been better.

10. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Edgar Wright) - I didn’t really like the film when I first watched it. But then, after I read the comics, DANG! Edgar Wright really takes comic-book adaptation to a whole another level! The visual effects and soundtracks were superb! Absolutely a unique experience, everything in this movie happens so fast and one blink is enough to lose information. Nerdiest movie eveeer!

By : Jagoan Movie


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